NoiPA is the official app that allows you to consult salary documents (slips and unique certifications) processed by the NoiPA system
• Consultation of salaries and payslips: gives the possibility to consult and download the monthly payslip in PDF format and view the details. The PDF can also be shared through the apps installed on the smartphone (Mail, Whatsapp, etc.);
• Payment consultation: gives the possibility to view, in advance of the publication of the salary slip, the net amount relating to the last installment processed;
• CU: gives the possibility to view the details relating to the single certification and download them in pdf format;
• Assistance: offers the possibility of sending a request for assistance in the areas: tax, social security, salary and IT technical support;
• News: this is the section in which you can consult press releases and news regarding issues in the PA world.
To use the app, simply download it and log in with the same credentials that are requested by the NoiPA portal.
Feedback on the Accessibility of the NoiPA App: for reports regarding accessibility, send an email to